4 Key Concepts to Help Beginners Start Investing With Purpose

When you’re ready to dip your toes into the world of investing, it can seem like navigating a labyrinth of financial jargon, market fluctuations, and endless options. But there's no need to be overwhelmed. In fact, investing can be an incredibly rewarding endeavor, provided you start with the right knowledge and mindset. To help you on your investment journey, here are four fundamental principles that every beginner should understand:

Start with a Clear Financial Goal

Before you begin investing, it's crucial to have a clear understanding of your financial goals. Are you saving for retirement, planning to purchase a home, or simply looking to build wealth over time? Your goals will profoundly influence your investment strategy.

Understand the Power of Compound Interest

Compound interest is the key investing component that can make your money grow exponentially over time. This phenomenon occurs when you reinvest your earnings, allowing your investment to potentially earn returns on both the initial principal and the previously earned interest.

To illustrate, imagine you invest $1,000 at a 6% annual interest rate. After the first year, you'd have $1,060. In the second year, you'd earn 6% on the new total of $1,060, not just on your initial $1,000. Over the long term, this compounding effect can significantly boost your returns.

Risk and Reward are Related

In the world of investing, there's a fundamental relationship between risk and reward. Generally, investments with the potential for higher returns also come with higher risk. Understanding your risk tolerance is crucial. Risk tolerance refers to how comfortable you are with the ups and downs of the market. It's essential in determining the right mix of investments for your portfolio.

If you're investing for a long-term goal, you might be willing to tolerate more risk in pursuit of potentially higher returns. However, if market fluctuations make you anxious, or you’re looking to build long-term wealth, you might opt for a more conservative approach, such as a balanced portfolio of stocks and bonds.

Patience and Long-Term Perspective

Successful investing often demands a patient, long-term approach. While it's true that the stock market and many other investments can be volatile in the short term, historical data consistently show that they tend to grow over time. To benefit from this growth, it's crucial to resist impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations. Instead, create an investment plan and stick to it. Focus on your goals and the time horizon associated with them. Market downturns are often followed by recoveries, and by maintaining a long-term perspective, you're more likely to ride out the turbulence and benefit from the upward trends.

Investing doesn't need to be a daunting endeavor. Remember that learning about investing is an ongoing process, and there's a wealth of resources and professionals available to guide you on your journey and Objective Measure can help you get started! Our Investment Essentials Course is meant for anyone who is looking to start taking control of their investments.