Key Questions for Healthy Investing

Key Investment Questions:
Which of the Following Statements
About Investing Is True

Healthy Investing Is Done With
The Appropriate Questions

Throughout your life, you’ll be presented with countless investment opportunities and products. Let’s not make investing too complicated. You can be successful in your investments if you simply understand the important questions to ask before investing.

Which Of The Following Are Key Investment Questions?

The key questions to ensure you’re investing in the right accounts for you are fairly simple. Start by asking the questions outlined below, and you’ll be set up to succeed, no matter what level of investor you are.

What’s my asset mix?

One of the most important things to understand as you’re evaluating the health of your investments is your current asset mix. This will give you clarity on how volatile your investments are on an annual basis, and if they align with your lifestyle needs (access to cash, investment goals, etc.). Our recommendation is to invest in a 65/35 asset mix of stocks and bonds (two-thirds stocks and one-third bonds).

What is it costing me?

There are three common types of fees when it comes to investing. Those include brokerage expenses, financial professional expenses, and fund management fees. Each of these expenses should be assessed annually to determine if your current investments (and financial teams) align with your goals.


Brokerage Expenses: Any expense for administrative, maintenance, and trading services they provide.

Financial Professional Expenses: Any expenses for the service of financial advice given to meet your goals.

Fund Management Expenses: Annual fees based on the amount you have invested.

How Am I Doing?

The reality is this: your investments should be performing well (especially over time). Thus, you must ask the question, how am I doing? The best way to get a thorough answer to that question, however, is to calculate your rate of return.

Be cautious of just looking at starting and ending balances, as if you’re contributing to your investments routinely, those numbers should be going up. Instead, look at the percentage of growth you’ve received based on what you’ve invested (minus the fees we’ve outlined above). This will provide you with an accurate picture of how your investments are performing.

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