The Ripple Effect: Why Financially Literate Leaders Create Stronger Communities

At Objective Measure, we believe that education around finances is key to driving change in our communities. Understanding the world of finance and investing can feel overwhelming for most people, but that’s where leaders like you can show up and make an impact. Having leaders who display financial literacy through the decisions they make with money impacts individuals and starts a ripple effect that impacts communities at large.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Being financially literate goes beyond knowing terminology and explaining financial concepts to others. Financial literacy means putting these ideas into consistent practice. People are hesitant to follow a leader who knows the concepts but doesn’t display them. True leaders inspire change in their communities by following through with what they know, building trust with individuals and leading by example.

Modeling Financial Literacy

Leaders can model financial literacy in many ways, from offering education to speaking openly about personal and organizational finances. Topics of money and finances have historically been viewed as taboo, but money is a central part of our modern world. When we sweep these subjects under the rug or restrict communication about them, it leaves individuals on their own. People make mistakes that could otherwise be avoided. By sharing openly about finances, we create a safe space for learning, plus opportunities to share, practice, and get support.

Starting the Ripple Effect

As a leader, you can be the one to start this ripple effect in your community. By changing the culture around finances, you can develop individuals in their financial literacy and nurture their confidence. Here are a few ways that you can start:

  • Shift your attitude: Oftentimes, the work starts internally. Are there ways you need to adjust your personal attitude around money and finances before you feel comfortable discussing this topic with others? Identify whether there is anything holding you back from having open and honest conversations, whether it’s fear of judgment or any of your own prejudices you may be holding.
  • Have open conversations: Next, start fostering conversations one-on-one with individuals about money. Start in your personal life and work your way into your broader community. This practice will help you get comfortable first and foremost, and as you talk to more people, it will build trust and normalize judgment-free discussions.
  • Lead educational workshops: Organizing workshops around topics on money and finances is another way to add value to your community. Individuals will come from a variety of backgrounds and have a variety of needs, from young adults and growing families, and people planning for retirement. By initiating opportunities for education, you’ll find out who needs what and start from a position of understanding.

The Impact Leaders Can Make

When leaders are willing to take these actionable steps, they can create real change in the communities. People will feel more confident and equipped to take control of their finances, leading them to make wiser choices that set themselves up for success. A few examples of these positive changes include:

  • Individual benefits: People in your community will feel less stressed, more confident, and enjoy a better quality of life. They can set themselves up for success by starting to save for the future, setting aside money for emergencies, budgeting for regular expenses, and getting curious about investing.
  • Impacting communities: When individuals are more confident around finances, it strengthens communities and the local economy. Financial confidence empowers people to make informed, responsible decisions and invest back into their community. As a result, businesses thrive, neighbors support one another, and poverty can even be reduced.
  • Displaying financial literacy to others: The ripple effect doesn’t stop with teaching a course or leading a workshop. Individuals who display financial literacy in their own lives encourage others to do the same, sending ripples into the lives of friends, family, and future generations.

A Lasting Difference

At Objective Measure, it’s our goal to help support you so that you can pour into your community. Leading by example is one of the best ways to pass along your knowledge of finances to those you care about. By starting small and building on simple steps, you can create a ripple that reaches even more people. At each step of the way, we’re here to help you make a lasting impact that can benefit you and your community.