Why Nonprofit? Everything You Need to Know About Objective Measure

In a world where financial literacy is often tied to profit-driven motives, Objective Measure stands apart as a nonprofit dedicated to empowering individuals to take control of their finances and equipping leaders to guide the journey. But why nonprofit? Why have we chosen this path, and what does it mean for those we serve? Let’s dive into the heart of Objective Measure—who we are, why we exist, and what you can expect from our approach.

Our Mission: Redefining Financial Perspectives

Objective Measure is not just another financial education organization. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with a mission to lead the conversation on financial perspectives and possibilities. This means we are preparing leaders with the tools and knowledge to create their own definition of “enough”, and to lead individuals and organizations through the same process. We believe that financial education should be accessible, unbiased, and empowering, not driven by the intent to sell products or services. Our goal is to provide leaders—whether they are pastors, community leaders, or organizational heads—with the resources needed to mentor their communities on the path towards financial empowerment.

Why Nonprofit? Our Inspiration and Purpose

The choice to operate as a nonprofit is deeply rooted in our commitment to impartiality and our desire to build trust. As a nonprofit, we are not motivated by profit margins or sales quotas. Instead, our measure of success is the positive impact we have on the lives of those we serve. We’re here to empower, equip, and encourage people to be active participants in their finances, without any strings attached—no hidden agendas, no product endorsements, and no commissions.

Our nonprofit status allows us to focus on what truly matters: providing unbiased, practical investment tools and resources that empower people to take control of their financial future. We understand that financial education is not about telling you where to invest your money; it’s about giving you the confidence and knowledge to make those decisions for yourself.

What We Are (and What We Are Not)

At Objective Measure, we are educators, not salespeople. Our primary role is to teach individuals the fundamentals of investing, help them evaluate their current investments, and equip them with the knowledge to make informed choices. We are also here provide tools and resources to the community leaders who interact with these individuals in their daily lives. We want to teach teachers how to lead their communities.

Additionally, there are a few things we are not:

  • We are not financial advisors. We won’t tell you which investments to choose or manage a portfolio for you.
  • We do not sell financial products. Our advice is purely educational, without any product endorsements or sales pitches.
  • We do not profit from your choices. Whether you choose to work with a financial professional or manage your investments independently, we are here to support your journey, not to profit from it.

What You Can Expect From Us

When you engage with Objective Measure, you can expect a supportive, educational environment that respects your autonomy. We believe that financial education should be:

  • Approachable: We break down complex financial concepts into simple, understandable lessons.
  • Engaging: We encourage active participation and critical thinking in your financial journey.
  • Practical: Our tools and resources are designed to be immediately applicable to your financial life.
  • Inspiring: We aim to inspire confidence and curiosity, helping people to explore the possibilities around their financial goals.

Our approach is rooted in the belief that financial security and fulfillment are not defined by a specific number or dollar amount. Instead, they are achieved through a deeper understanding of personal financial goals and the tools available to reach them. This perspective is the cornerstone of our message: Enough is not a number, and therefore, enough is also closer than you think.

Leading with Purpose: Empowering Communities

As we expand our vision and imagine how our work can have the strongest impact, we are focusing on leaders and how they can positively influence the financial education and empowerment of their communities. We believe that when leaders are equipped with the right financial knowledge, they can guide their communities toward a more secure and fulfilling future.

Our resources are designed not just for individuals but for leaders who want to foster a culture of financial literacy and empowerment within their communities. By providing pastors and community leaders with the tools and knowledge they need, we can help them create environments where everyone has the opportunity to define and achieve their own version of “enough.”

Join the Conversation

We invite you to join us in this important conversation about financial perspectives and possibilities. Whether you are a pastor, a community leader, or someone simply looking to better understand your financial future, Objective Measure is here to support you. Together, we can redefine what it means to have "enough" and help you build a financial life that is secure, fulfilling, and aligned with your values.

Remember, at Objective Measure, we’re here to empower you with the knowledge and confidence to make informed financial decisions that will enrich your life.